This weeks sermon was “Let The Church Roll On” By Guest Speaker Pastor Jeff
This weeks scripture was Acts 6:7
7 So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.
The church exists to accomplish the mission of God. The mission of God is to share the great news that Jesus Christ died for our sins and he has a place for us in Heaven. As followers of Christ it is our responsibility to share the gospel with people. That is our mission. Our mission as followers and as a church always takes precedence over everything else. We are to be God’s representation here on Earth and tell people about His love for them.
With that being said we have 3 great opportunities to invite someone God has laid on your heart that might need to hear that God loves them and cares for them. The 3 events will be a great opportunity to invite friends, family, or someone that you met that doesn’t know about how much God loves them.
1. We have our Women’s Bible study Monday nights at 8pm on zoom. We are meeting on zoom so that anyone and everyone can attend no matter where they are. If you need the book link please reach out to us on Facebook and we will get it to you.
2. The Fall Women’s event is going to be on November 5 at 2pm in the sanctuary. There will be games, devotionals, and food. If you are able to bring a snack to share that would be great. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite someone to the church and enjoy an amazing time of fellowship.
3. Thursday, November 10 at 6:30 or 7pm we will be having a Friendsgiving!!! This is a wonderful opportunity to invite someone who maybe doesn’t have family or Friends close to them. We can enjoy a great time of fellowship and food. The church will provide the main course, we just ask that everyone bring a side dish to share. Stay tuned for the exact time.
Lets use these three events to fulfill our mission as followers of Christ and share the good news that he love and cares for all. Below you can find the video of this weeks message from Pastor Jeff.
Join us Sunday morning at 10am as we Worship God together
53 South Dean Rd. Orlando, FL 32825